Why India is a Secular State?

India is a secular state

Right from the beginning of the making of Indian constitution in 1949, the focus was given on equality. Same thing applies for the set of rules and regulations made for the religion or we can say the different and many regions in our country. India is a secular state because it gives equal importance to all of the religions of our country.

According to the constitution, no religion can be given more importance than the others. According to article 25, everyone has equal opportunity to profess, propagate and practice any of the religion. Each and every one of us have the right to practice the religion of our own choice and nobody can force anyone to practice any of the religion powerfully.

Also one has the freedom to change the religion by his choice, in his own way. No religious community can gain power over another religious community. No one can discriminate others on the basis of religion. Also, the state cannot declare any religion as the state religion, like some countries name them as Islamic country.

According to article 27, no person is liable to pay any such taxes for practicing the religion of his choice. This implies that nobody has to pay any kind of fees or money to any of the organisations or the government in order to practice any of the religion. According to article 28, Educational Institutes or the schools can be maintained.

Under this article it is clearly stated that any person or people can start, introduce, develop and maintain Educational Institute or school on behalf of their religion where the specific religious beliefs, rituals, and holy books can be taught. According to article 29, everybody has the right to preserve and keep their language, script and rituals.

After 1987, this amendment in the constitutional law of secular state was made taking into account the terrible tragedy happened with the Sikh religion in Punjab. Last but not the least the article 44. It states that there is a uniform Civil code for each and every person of any religion. The constitution has the provision for the civil code as a directive principle of state policy which states that the state shall endeavour to ensure that all the other laws of constitution are equal to everyone. The laws will be applied to each and everyone irrespective of their religion.

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